Sunday, April 14, 2013

a second chance at Mountains

i got another letter in the mail today! i was so excited! it was dated the 7th and post dated the 9th, today is the 14th, this letter took forever to get to me! lol. i am including a little bit of his letter, he wrote this as he was in recycle land, telling me how it was in mountains FTX

"day 2, it's crazy what happens in the field when it starts raining. no one wants to move, take a knee or lay down if it's cold and rainy. so i've been gone for eh, like a month now my hands are pretty messed up and it's mountains FTX day 2. another ambush day, we were so busy i had no time to write in my book. i did security at the ORP which is our staging area for an ambush. we picked up and went to our next location, it started to get cold then, being cold and dry sucks. now imagine being cold and walking through a small river in 33 degree weather. cadre said we could harden ourselves to an extent, but at some point hypothermia will get you. so we walked through the creek a few times, the cadre decided it was too cold to sleep in a patrol base. at one point i fell in the water and was wet to my knees. we were gonna get tents but we had to go through one more creek to get to the tent. so we get to the tent form up and get in the tent. it was about 15 ft wide 30 ft long and there was 42 of us plus our stuff. i was so numb it took me an hour to change into a whole dry uniform. i can change into uniform in under 15 minutes on a regular day, typically 5-10, but i was messed up."

thinking about him practically killing himself out there in mountains breaks me into a million pieces. i know why he is doing this, and he and i both agree it is better that he does this now and get it over doesn't make it any easier. i am making it a day at a time...he told me he takes it a meal at a time i have over a month until his new 'tentative' graduation . i just have to keep going....just keep going, they say Ranger School isn't for the faint of heart, well that goes for us significant other too.

although the time apart really really sucks i know it is all worth it, it is going to be so amazing when i get to look into his beautiful brown eyes again, when i can see that beautiful smile beaming across his beautiful face. when i can hug him and smell him again and here him tell me he loves me...that is something you don't realize how much you will miss. don't ever take it for granted, not a single second....when i finally get to be in the arms of my Ranger i am never going to let him go, i am going to hold on to every hug, every kiss, every stare. no matter what he wants to do, if he wants to run around in a parking lot some where acting absolutely stupid, i will be there next to doesnt matter. i cant wait! the countdown is on and each day i make it through is one day closer to the love of my life!!!

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