Monday, June 17, 2013

Darby, Mountains, Mountains,Mountains, Florida, Florida....

Class of:

What ever it takes he will complete his goal in getting that tab, and in so complete his childhood dream of becoming an Army Ranger (tabbed).

He is strong in mind and body, I continue to be amazed at the person he is. I will thank God everyday for his life and the luck of our two paths meeting. i thought i knew what love was, and then i met Dale.

class starts back up this saturday...he has to endure another 16 grueling days in the field and in the swamps. God willing this will be our very last phase. i have a really good feeling about this one.

Back in the game!!

we are now back at it! re-doing mountains for the third time and you know what they say, the third time is a charm! and! Dale got a 7 out of 7 on his knot test! one proud lady right here!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

things i wish i knew when he started RS

When my guy started RS I considered myself to be pretty well prepared, and I was for the most part. I knew he would be gone for a while, I knew the basic address for the first phase and thanks to him I also had 3 books to read about RS, a show to watch, and a support group to join! He gave me the books, told me about the show and the group! But the things he couldn't give me I learned on my own and with the help of the other wives in the Facebook group I am a member of.
What I had to learn about RS:
 The first phase known as the Benning phase or Darby SUCKS! I hate to say it, but DO NOT expect any mail this phase…I couldn't understand why I wasn't getting any letters! I know my guy and I know if he can write he WILL write no questions about that. I was a complete mess, it was ridiculous…in reality he had sent me two letters during this phase and I had sent him…oh about 1 a day for everyday of Benning phase… I would suggest not doing that because I am still receiving returned letters from Darby and he went through Darby in February, it’s June. I suggest sending one letter a week while he is there. My guy only received two things from me while in his first phase, and that was his care package and a bubble mailer of pictures and he didn't even get those until his 8 hour pass after Darby.
Darby is a crappy phase for all of us! But once it’s over it’s over! After Darby is Mountains, and guess what! The mail system works so much better!! When my Ranger went through phase 2 (the first time) I got my two Darby letters and 4 letters from the second phase…unfortunately my guy recycled Mountains and ended up doing phase 2 Three times! The second time through I received 8 letters! Wow! What sucked about him recycling the second time around was The Best Ranger Competition… he had to sit out for like, 5 weeks! I was lucky enough to talk to him every single night (except one night) sometimes 4 times a night, it was amazing. And he also sent me letters!  12 of them and one package. On his third and final trip through Mountains he sent me 4 letters.
Communication in mountains is so much better than any other phase, so enjoy it! Use this phase to send daily letters!  And know that some of the mornings your guy is eating blueberry pancakes and he’s loving it!
One thing to remember is that even if you don’t know his SQD, or PLT the letters will still get to him, just be sure to have the address written correctly and make sure you include his rank and name and it will all be ok.
Phase 3, known as Florida, or Swamps…this is the current phase my Ranger is in. I have received 2 letters from him, one written halfway between phase 2 & 3 and one written on the first day of Florida’s FTX. He told me in that second letter that it would probably be the last one he sent out, I really hope it is because that means I get to see him!! So as far as sending letters this phase, I sent one before he made it to Florida, I’m not sure if he got it or if it is waiting for him for the end of the FTX or not. I also sent a letter a few days ago telling him about  my travel plans, when my plane was landing, when I would be in Columbus, and what hotel I was staying at so he could meet me there if I didn't make it to pick him up for his first pass in time.

another thing to keep in mind:

I know waiting can SUCK! but please DO NOT call staff duty! your guy will call if he recycles. if you do not get a call by the end of the weekend you can rest easy and know that he is most likely in his next phase.