Friday, February 8, 2013

waiting for my soldier.

The alarm went off at 5:45 am, I was already awake. I didn't want the time to come for him to have to leave me. After about 10 minutes I finally convinced him he should get up. We got dressed grabbed his bags and headed to the car, loaded the car, and hit the road. we got to the ranger compound at about 6:40 am, just enough time for a kiss and a hug, and then I watched him walk away from me, I stood outside the car until I couldn't see him anymore, I sat in the front seat and cried for about 30 seconds, shook it off and started driving. I cried most of the drive back to my hotel. Watching him walk away wasn't easy, but I know why he is doing this. This is his dream; he is doing it for his future, for our future.

I am counting down the days until I can hold him in my arms again, if all goes according to plan that is only 56 days away. 56 long days… this has been the longest 5 days of my life so far, still waiting for his first letter. I have sent out four already, and am working on the fifth now. I plan on sending one out every day the mail runs. I have gotten a lot of advice from other army ranger girlfriends/fiancés/wives on what to send and things like that. I am sure to send plenty of encouragement I will never let him forget how wonderful I think he is, how I know that he can do this, and how proud I am of him. I have also decided that, although he bought about 10 packs of gum the day before he left, he could always use more, so I bought about 10 different flavors and stick some in each letter, I also printed off some pictures at the little photo center in wal-mart, I took it a step further and laminated them just in case and wrote on the back of each one, letting him know how much I loved him. I got these ideas from reading other blogs, made by other women who had been through this already, so thank you ladies.

this blog will be one of the ways i get through each day, so far it isn't as hard as i feared it would be, because for us, when he is done with ranger school, our happily ever after begins!! i am still amazed that all our happy things are still ahead of us, God willing. i feel lucky and blessed to have met this wonderful man, i cant wait to spend the rest of forever being silly and insanely in love with him, the best part is i know he feels the same, it is an amazing feeling.
what i call the 'purple hair tree'

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