Sunday, July 21, 2013

Winter, Spring, Summer Ranger

Dale here,

I started Ranger School on Feb. 4th (Super Bowl Sunday) after going through the pre-Ranger School course twice -- that's when I proposed to Lori. The whole time we in-processed the RI's wouldn't give us any details about the game, and generally enjoyed messing with us. All of the Benning - Rogers phase is a game, it's called RAP week. During RAP week you take a standard pt test, land navigation, a 2 mile buddy run -- Malvesti obstacle course at the end of the run -- and a standard 12 miler with a 35 lb ruck in under 3 hours.
The biggest things that make guys drop during the Rogers phase is the pt test and land navigation. Malvesti is disgusting, Georgia clay/mud that guys have crawled through for years. All kinds of nasty things inhabit the Malvesti pit but we get through it. Then we go out to camp Darby.

Camp Darby is the first real test. Your soldier will find out what he's made of generally while getting rained on for several days straight with a few uniforms. Eleven days in a field environment being wet, hungry, and tired will challenge him to dig deep and find what keeps him in this horrible place. I got rained on for nearly the entire time I was at camp Darby. I remember several nights where we got no sleep after coming back from our mission because we didn't clean our weapons to the standard. We stood around watching other platoons eat, and go to their sleeping area. We couldn't go because our weapons weren't clean enough so tell him to clean the crew served weapons until he can't clean it anymore.
Finally I got my 8 hour pass after finding out I got a go, one of my happiest moments in Ranger School. On my pass I bought a new set of boots, and did 4 loads of laundry with one of my squad mates. We ate and I spent $500 between food and refitting to go into mountains. In the 75th Ranger Regiment, privates have to elevate their feet when doing push ups because we haven't been through the Mountains phase of Ranger School. I knew this would be the hardest phase and felt a bit anxious, when I came back I prepared myself mentally for the hardest 21 days of school -- if I only knew what awaited me. We got on the bus the following morning, got an MRE and drove up to Dahlonega Georgia.

Ranger School is a funny thing, because if your soldier goes straight through he will have a hard time remembering small details about the day to day activities in each phase, and the specifics of who did what. The first time I went through the Mountains phase I got through the first 3 days of the FTX. That means I did all the stuff at the beginning of Mountains until I went into the field, basically the first two weeks. In the field I remember walking with my ruck at night under nods and hallucinating that I was walking down the hallway to my parents bedroom. Every time we stopped I'd fall asleep standing up, and nearly get left behind when they started walking again. In winter we walked through water a few times in one night when the air temp was 33 degrees (F). We got tents after the walk but it took me an hour to change out of wet clothes into a new and dry uniform when we got the chance I was so lethargic. The next day I got caught eating Gatorade powder (without water) and got an SOR, or Special Observation Report, and would be pulled out of the field the next morning to recycle. It's crushing to find out you're getting recycled, especially for something that's pretty gay and undeserving like eating Gatorade powder. The 2nd time through Mountains I failed patrols. I neared the end of my rope the night we came out then and told myself, "I can't keep doing this" but I stuck it out for Lori.
What you need to know as a wife/fiance/girlfriend about Mountains: it sucks donkey dick. I'm not joking, straight sucks. Any encouragement you send will help tremendously, generally in the form of smells and pictures. No I'm not saying send obscene pictures, just something of yourself so he can snap back to the reality that people outside of Ranger School support him because there will be times when he will think about quitting. He may not act on them, but the thought will cross his mind I guarantee it. Now that care packages with food in them are not allowed in Mountains, if you want to send anything T-shirts and socks are good. Gum is also a good thing to send more of in letters and most of the RI's don't care about it as long as its a reasonable amount in the letter.
Also, what not to say is, "just do what the RI's say and you'll be fine" when I heard that I just wanted to scream into the phone, "bitch! you don't know anything about this school, that's not how it works!!!" (Lori didn't say this)  I was so frustrated when I heard that. Ranger school is all a dice roll, it's not about doing what you're told, so when you're soldier gets recycled just tell him you love him and you'll be there no matter what happens and how long it takes to get through it. Come back with your tab, or on it.

I got out of Mountains with the 3rd attempt and got down to Florida. We jumped into the Florida phase, I got drug about 50 meters before I got free and then it was on. Your soldier won't get any mail until after he gets out of the FTX because he will go into the field on day 6 of Florida. The field experience is 9 straight days. Here's what happens: he'll go to Florida, get a class on reptiles, class on boat movements, get a class on 1 rope bridge, he'll discover how awesome French toast is every day, do some practical exercises, and then go to the field. Out of the 9 days in the field, nothing extremely challenging will happen until day 7 (a Tuesday) when he goes into Boiling Creek, the first swamp movement. Anything valuable he owns he needs to waterproof 3x, because the swamp destroys everything and he will never forget the smell of the swamp. After boiling, he will go on a "long walk" depending on how much of the swamp movement he did, either way he will be walking about all day either through the swamp, or on a road. He's gonna be suckin for a little while, and not happy with life. All of Mountains and Florida are raids, ambushes, and Movement to Contact so every day there will be a movement to chance contact, and then a mission. The day after boiling (Florida) will be more difficult due to the movement, then he'll go into the Weaver. If your soldier is about to go into Florida, tell him the Weaver will suck, its only 400-800 meters for the entire movement depending on the day. The factors that determine how far into the weaver they go depends on the water temp (winter) heat, and water levels. There's a possibility he could see some topless women if he goes through at the right time of summer though. They're generally swamp hill billies.
Patrols generally go well for about 70-80% of guys that get down to Florida and if he recycles the phase he has a high chance of graduating. It's not always the case though, so he can't slack off or stop trying.
I have a hard time describing what it feels like to get peered after coming out of the FTX in Florida, I felt crushed, like someone had cut me off at the knees with an ax. I lost all motivation to go forward, but your soldier needs something to keep him motivated. I kept Lori's pictures in my pocket ALL the time, there was never any time when her picture was not on me. She kept me going when I couldn't see the light forward. You will provide more inspiration to your soldier than you think. Keep him inspired every opportunity you get and he'll get to the end.
I guarantee whatever pain you and him are going through while he's away, it ends. It will feel like forever some days and you may want him to quit so he can come home and kill spiders for you -- or whatever -- but it will end and you will appreciate your relationship ten times more than you did before.

Good Luck, Rangers Lead The Way

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Reunited and it feels so good!!!

since my last blog post a lot has changed for me! Dale has returned home, and i of course followed right behind him! Sadly his 7 month journey ended in a double peer drop...This has been a crazy adventure for us both, and i admire the love of my life for being so strong and sticking it out for so long. He has come home covered in cuts scrapes and scars, and he needs some time to heal and gain back some muscle he lost. Because of his dedication to the pursuit of the tab he will have the chance to go back in about a year and try again, and I along with everyone else who has followed his progress know that he will make it this time, and with flying colors.

So today is a Tuesday, i flew out to WA. on a Friday....finally got in on Saturday! such a long crazy journey! my plane was delayed, and then i had to stay in a hotel in Memphis, from Memphis flew to salt lake city Utah and then to Seattle...throughout the entire trip i was pretty numb tot he fact that i would be seeing Dale again, i didn't really believe it was happening until the wheels hit the tarmac at the sea-tac airport and then i started to get really excited and nervous! it was the first time i would be seeing him in 158 days....i navigated my way around the airport, and then finally we were in the same place....i waited by luggage carousel number 5, he was by number 2....i was to stay put while he came to me....the 30 seconds it took for him to get to me seemed like hours! and then finally i looked up and there he was, standing 10 feet away from me with a huge smile on his face. i stayed put while he closed the distance between us.....158 days really is too long. So not that we are back together, it is time to go locate my luggage....we look in the big piles of suitcases laying around, but none belonged to me :( at this point i felt so gross! i just wanted a shower but all the things i needed was in my checked bag.....i had to wait for my bag to fly in on the next plane, it was coming in about 3 or so hours later...we decided we would drive around so Dale could show me some of Washington--he had some surprises for me. He rented a car that he was pretty pleased with and he couldn't wait to show me, he walked me out to the parking garage and what do you think was waiting for me? a beautiful cherry red mustang, i knows i like my cars "sexual" (a little inside joke between us) the car was really nice, we even got complimented on it as we drove down the highway, lol. My bag finally came in by almost 7 pm that day, we got a hotel room and i got cleaned up-and then he took me to Seattle! I love this man...i was so hungry, sleep deprived and stressed that i know i wasn't very fun to be around, the way people were driving was scaring me so bad! I really have to work on not freaking out so much.

so sunday roles around and it is time to buy our own car....this ball is rolling fast! no rest for the weary! we looked around at a few places and test drove a few cars, i knew Dale wasn't sold on any of them, that is until he set his eyes on a jeep grand cherokee. There was a little sparkle in his eyes, yup this was gonna be our car. we tested it out and it passed all the tests, we are no the proud owners of a jeep. we drove off the lot and straight to the airport to return the absurdly expensive rental car and get a days use worth of money back....

Monday brings Dales first day back to work! he was a little nervous but it all went alright. When he came home we went straight to the pierce county auditors office and got our marriage license!!! i was so nervous, but it all turned out ok, and i couldn't be happier! Next it was time to finalize our apartment hunt, we had really been looking online for the past 5 months, we had done some chatting with a few of them, but ultimately we decided on a place that was month to month so we could save for something better while not having to stay in a hotel.

Today, tuesday, we go bed shopping and buy some cleaning supplies, we are gonna clean that place top to bottom and start the first steps into making it our home.

Thursday-A wedding!

so far this is it! Dale survived RS and so did I! I love knowing that at the end of the day i won't be sleeping alone anymore, when Dale leaves work he gets to come home to me! I don't know who thinks they have the biggest prize, him or me....i guess we can both agree that we are pretty lucky to have each other.
Together again!


Monday, June 17, 2013

Darby, Mountains, Mountains,Mountains, Florida, Florida....

Class of:

What ever it takes he will complete his goal in getting that tab, and in so complete his childhood dream of becoming an Army Ranger (tabbed).

He is strong in mind and body, I continue to be amazed at the person he is. I will thank God everyday for his life and the luck of our two paths meeting. i thought i knew what love was, and then i met Dale.

class starts back up this saturday...he has to endure another 16 grueling days in the field and in the swamps. God willing this will be our very last phase. i have a really good feeling about this one.

Back in the game!!

we are now back at it! re-doing mountains for the third time and you know what they say, the third time is a charm! and! Dale got a 7 out of 7 on his knot test! one proud lady right here!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

things i wish i knew when he started RS

When my guy started RS I considered myself to be pretty well prepared, and I was for the most part. I knew he would be gone for a while, I knew the basic address for the first phase and thanks to him I also had 3 books to read about RS, a show to watch, and a support group to join! He gave me the books, told me about the show and the group! But the things he couldn't give me I learned on my own and with the help of the other wives in the Facebook group I am a member of.
What I had to learn about RS:
 The first phase known as the Benning phase or Darby SUCKS! I hate to say it, but DO NOT expect any mail this phase…I couldn't understand why I wasn't getting any letters! I know my guy and I know if he can write he WILL write no questions about that. I was a complete mess, it was ridiculous…in reality he had sent me two letters during this phase and I had sent him…oh about 1 a day for everyday of Benning phase… I would suggest not doing that because I am still receiving returned letters from Darby and he went through Darby in February, it’s June. I suggest sending one letter a week while he is there. My guy only received two things from me while in his first phase, and that was his care package and a bubble mailer of pictures and he didn't even get those until his 8 hour pass after Darby.
Darby is a crappy phase for all of us! But once it’s over it’s over! After Darby is Mountains, and guess what! The mail system works so much better!! When my Ranger went through phase 2 (the first time) I got my two Darby letters and 4 letters from the second phase…unfortunately my guy recycled Mountains and ended up doing phase 2 Three times! The second time through I received 8 letters! Wow! What sucked about him recycling the second time around was The Best Ranger Competition… he had to sit out for like, 5 weeks! I was lucky enough to talk to him every single night (except one night) sometimes 4 times a night, it was amazing. And he also sent me letters!  12 of them and one package. On his third and final trip through Mountains he sent me 4 letters.
Communication in mountains is so much better than any other phase, so enjoy it! Use this phase to send daily letters!  And know that some of the mornings your guy is eating blueberry pancakes and he’s loving it!
One thing to remember is that even if you don’t know his SQD, or PLT the letters will still get to him, just be sure to have the address written correctly and make sure you include his rank and name and it will all be ok.
Phase 3, known as Florida, or Swamps…this is the current phase my Ranger is in. I have received 2 letters from him, one written halfway between phase 2 & 3 and one written on the first day of Florida’s FTX. He told me in that second letter that it would probably be the last one he sent out, I really hope it is because that means I get to see him!! So as far as sending letters this phase, I sent one before he made it to Florida, I’m not sure if he got it or if it is waiting for him for the end of the FTX or not. I also sent a letter a few days ago telling him about  my travel plans, when my plane was landing, when I would be in Columbus, and what hotel I was staying at so he could meet me there if I didn't make it to pick him up for his first pass in time.

another thing to keep in mind:

I know waiting can SUCK! but please DO NOT call staff duty! your guy will call if he recycles. if you do not get a call by the end of the weekend you can rest easy and know that he is most likely in his next phase. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

recycles,ranger competitions and waiting! always waiting!

With a second mountain recycle under our belts all we can do now is hope and pray this is the last one. If he gets another one he will be sent home to come back and try again at a later date. hope and pray when ranger school starts back up this time he makes it all the way through, no more recycles. the number of days we have left are more than the number of days of ranger school all together!!! that would be thanks to the best ranger competition.

my life has been in a bit of an up roar lately....i a currently staying with a friend in NC and there ain't no tan berets on fort bragg.

here is a plus side to the ranger competition and this looooong recycle status. PHONE CALLS!!!! he calls me every night, sometimes 3 times a night! we are trying to plan our wedding over the phone! silly us!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

a second chance at Mountains

i got another letter in the mail today! i was so excited! it was dated the 7th and post dated the 9th, today is the 14th, this letter took forever to get to me! lol. i am including a little bit of his letter, he wrote this as he was in recycle land, telling me how it was in mountains FTX

"day 2, it's crazy what happens in the field when it starts raining. no one wants to move, take a knee or lay down if it's cold and rainy. so i've been gone for eh, like a month now my hands are pretty messed up and it's mountains FTX day 2. another ambush day, we were so busy i had no time to write in my book. i did security at the ORP which is our staging area for an ambush. we picked up and went to our next location, it started to get cold then, being cold and dry sucks. now imagine being cold and walking through a small river in 33 degree weather. cadre said we could harden ourselves to an extent, but at some point hypothermia will get you. so we walked through the creek a few times, the cadre decided it was too cold to sleep in a patrol base. at one point i fell in the water and was wet to my knees. we were gonna get tents but we had to go through one more creek to get to the tent. so we get to the tent form up and get in the tent. it was about 15 ft wide 30 ft long and there was 42 of us plus our stuff. i was so numb it took me an hour to change into a whole dry uniform. i can change into uniform in under 15 minutes on a regular day, typically 5-10, but i was messed up."

thinking about him practically killing himself out there in mountains breaks me into a million pieces. i know why he is doing this, and he and i both agree it is better that he does this now and get it over doesn't make it any easier. i am making it a day at a time...he told me he takes it a meal at a time i have over a month until his new 'tentative' graduation . i just have to keep going....just keep going, they say Ranger School isn't for the faint of heart, well that goes for us significant other too.

although the time apart really really sucks i know it is all worth it, it is going to be so amazing when i get to look into his beautiful brown eyes again, when i can see that beautiful smile beaming across his beautiful face. when i can hug him and smell him again and here him tell me he loves me...that is something you don't realize how much you will miss. don't ever take it for granted, not a single second....when i finally get to be in the arms of my Ranger i am never going to let him go, i am going to hold on to every hug, every kiss, every stare. no matter what he wants to do, if he wants to run around in a parking lot some where acting absolutely stupid, i will be there next to doesnt matter. i cant wait! the countdown is on and each day i make it through is one day closer to the love of my life!!!